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Board of Directors

Simon Bockstette, NS Dept. of Lands & Forestry
Director, President and Chair

Rod Higgins, Port Hawkesbury Paper LP 
Director, Vice-Chair


Ken Parsons, NL Dept. of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture

Director, Treasurer

Shona Millican, NB Dept. of Natural Resources

Director, Secretary

Mary Myers,  PE Dept. Environment Energy & Climate Action

Rick Archibald, Northern Pulp

Iain Thompson, JD Irving Ltd.


Jody Jenkins, Acadian Timber


Britta Fiander, Genome Atlantic


Francois van Deventer

Executive Director

Francois is a Tree Improvement Professional from South Africa. He completed his BSc Forestry (Silviculture) at Stellenbosch University in 1994, followed by an MSc Plant Breeding through the University of KwaZulu-Natal (2008).  

Francois has 25 years expertise in Tree Improvement, with specific reference to tree breeding, plant genetics (quantitative), silviculture, gene conservation and site by species matching with experience related to Acacia, Eucalyptus and Pine species. While fulfilling various roles, he has also gained experience and skills in people management and team leading.

Francois started his career with the Mondi Group as a Silviculture Operations Forester and later Harvesting Operations Forester, where he gained a valuable understanding of the operation side of forestry before taking up the position of Tree Breeding Forester.  From there he worked as Sub-tropical Eucalypt Tree Breeder and later Cold-tolerant Eucalypt Tree Breeder before taking on the position of Tree Breeding Program Leader. Here he led Mondi’s Tree Breeding efforts towards sustainable improvement of genetic material for the pulp and paper market. 

After 24 years with the Mondi Group, he accepted the position of Acacia Tree Breeding Program Leader for APRIL Asia. His role was to lead a Tree Breeding Team ensuring continued genetic improvement of various Acacia pure species and hybrid combinations.  Improved genetic material is commercially deployed on the Company’s landholdings in Sumatra, Indonesia.

He, along with his family, is excited to settle in Canada and take on this new challenge with AtlanTIC.

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